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Shout Outs and more

karnATik is proud to have received the 2012 Rasikapriya Award from Sangeethapriya.org - Thank you to all our visitors, contributors, and supporters!

This site would be nothing without all the millions of sources on the web and elsewhere. I couldn't possibly list every single person and reference, but I thank them all.

Thanks first of all to ALL the people who've been writing in about the site and sending in songs, corrections and praise and more. It keeps my motivation going and is great for morale!

A great big shout out to for most of the lyrics here and also much of the raga and other information. This site basically is HIS site and owes its success to his perpetual and dedicated efforts. (You can buy his amazing book and CDs and get more info here).

This page got its start because of several song lyrics sent by Ravi Srinivasan, an excellent musician in his own right.

Audio and notations are linked to Shivkumar Kalyanaraman's site here. Thanks to him for allowing this and for his wonderful music!

Images from this site were provided by various sources, including Bhajana Sampradaya, another great site. Please read more about the beautiful glass paintings and images on this site here. Suraj kindly created and provided the animated karnATik banner as well as the very clever Raga search.

A deep thanks to others who have contributed their services to the lyrics: Chitravina Ravikiran (article and support!), MG Vasudevan (beautiful translations, lyrics, and articles), Sundar (lyrics), Sridhar (lyrics), Jayaram Suryanarayana (descriptions and elaborate translations), Savitha Kadiyala (lovely translations), TV Gopalakrishnan and Devi (lyrics and various information), Nishan Bhavan (assistance with song entry), Anuradha Suresh (lyrics, translations, inspiration), V Govindan (Tyagaraja lyrics and elaborate translations), Usha (adding lyrics and ragas, automation), and my family (lyrics, translations). If your name should be on this list, please let me know.

Thanks to Venkat, Ravi, Vijaybhaskar, and the whole team at Melio Systems for their free time and effort put into the karnATik smartphone apps.

Thanks also to all the web services who keep this going and provide stuff for free so I can continue to do this. We have stopped advertising on this site because we believe in providing these services without distraction. But I do want to say that I and my husband stick to the task of providing money to charity through this site, which is another reason to keep it going, knowing that music benefits the needy somewhere in more ways than one.

Even before this was a Carnatic site, I had an interest in creating webpages, and I got SO much help from people in building them. There were so many people who helped that I can't name them all, but one person and website was really a boon, and that person was Jim Wilson. His advice and motivation were a crucial factor in getting exposure and continue to be in use today.

There wouldn't have been any motivation to even DO this without all those amazing music teachers who've spread their musical light over the world, and of course without those first musical teachers, my parents. And for continuing music, my musically gifted husband and my very talented sister and all my incredible grandparents, brilliantly musical cousins and aunts and uncles, and other friends and relatives around the world.

And final neverending gratitude because Carnatic music, which is so devotional in nature, would not exist without the One - without that ever-powerful sound of Om (*).

* Note: Whether you believe in a supreme being or not, sound, as the sound of Om, is considered the essence of music.

Questions? Comments? Email me

updated on 04/05/2018