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Song: bhaLi vairAgyambentO bAgai yunnadi

bhaLi vairAgyambentO bAgai yunnadi
raagam: cakravAka

Aa:S R1 G3 M1 P D2 N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 P M1 G3 R1 S

taaLam: tripuTa
Composer: Badraacala Raamadaas
Language: Telugu


bhaLi vairAgyambentO bAgai yunnadi cancalamaina nAmanasu nishcalamai yunnadE

caraNam 1

ariSaDvargamulu nannaNTakunnavi shrIhari nAma smaraNa jihvanu anuvai yunnadi

caraNam 2

gurudhyAnamuna manasukudurai yunnadi cittamiruvadi yAriNTi mIda niravai yunnadi

caraNam 3

parama shAntamennaganu bAgai yunnadi mAku paratattvamandE mA buddhi paTTiyunnadi

caraNam 4

virasamu pOrulEni vidhamai yunnadi mAku prakruti yeDabAsi mOkSamuna kiravai yunnadi

caraNam 5

guri bhadrAdrIshunandE guruvai yunnadi yipuDu aramaralEka rAmadAsuDanadagi yunnadi



This renunciation is turning out to be highly beneficial ! my restless mind has become peaceful now

caranam 1

I am free of the six defilements (anger, greed, desire, ego, attachment and envy), my speech is comfortable only with the name of Hari

caranam 2

My heart is focused on my teacher, and my mind has achieved the 26 needed qualities ((1) kind to everyone, (2) does not quarrel with anyone, (3) fixed in the Absolute Truth, (4) equal to everyone, (5) faultless, (6) charitable, (7) mild, (8) clean, (9) simple, (10) benevolent, (11) peaceful, (12) completely attached to God, (13) has no material hankering, (14) meek, (15) steady, (16) self-controlled, (17) does not eat more than required, (18) sane, (19) respectful, (20) humble, (21) grave, (22) compassionate, (23) friendly, (24) poetic, (25) expert, (26) silent.

caranam 3

Ultimate peace is being chosen as the best option and our intellect is happy to learn about the supreme truth (as per the vedas)

caranam 4

Conflict no longer bothers us. The Nature is unraveling from us and directing us towards liberation

caranam 5

Entire focus is on the Lord of Bhadradri and without any hesitation, I can be called the servant of Rama


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning contributed by Aruna Turaga.

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updated on 03/21/2024