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Song: bhAramulanniTiki nIveyanucu nirbhayuNDanai

bhAramulanniTiki nIveyanucu nirbhayuNDanai
raagam: Anandabhairavi

Aa:S G2 R2 G2 M1 P D2 P N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S

taaLam: tripuTa
Composer: Badraacala Raamadaas


bhAramulanniTiki nIveyanucu nirbhayuNanai yunnAnurA shrIAmA


dAri tappaka nIvu darivani dhairyamu tOcinadirA shrIrAmA

caraNam 1

ati duSkrutamula nennO nE cEsitini ayina marEmAyerA rAmA
patitapAvanuDanu biruduvahincina nI- prakhyAti vinnAnurA shrIrAmA

caraNam 2

ErItinaina nE ninnu nammiyunnADa nannElukonuTa kIrtirA rAmA
nEranu nEramu lenci cUcuTaku nE nentavADanura shrIrAmA

caraNam 3

munu ninu jEri krutArthulaina vAri muccaTa vinnAnurA rAmA
vini vinanaTlunnAvEmirA palumAru vinnavinca nEranura shrIrAmA

caraNam 4

sharaNannavAri rakSaNacEyu birudu nishcayamai nIkunnadira rAmA
muripemugA nanniTiki nEpaTTinadi munaga komma gAdurA shrIrAmA

caraNam 5

bahuvidhamula ninnu prastutincamani brahma vrAsinADurA rAma
vihitajanamula lOnE nevvaDOyani vErucEyaka brOvarA shrIrAmA

caraNam 6

vAsiga bhadrAcalEshuDavani cAla varNincu cunnAnurA rAma
bhAsuramuga rAmadAsu nElunaTTi bhAvamugannAnurA shrIrAmA



You are there to take care of all my burdens. This makes me fearless, Sri Rama!


I have not lost my way and it gives me confidence to know that you are the destination

caranam 1

I have committed many misdeeds. But what does it matter?
I have aware of your fame of saving the depraved, O Rama!

caranam 2

Come what may, I have belief in you. Taking care of me will make good name for you also.
I am not worth so much that you could spend time in counting my flaws

caranam 3

I have heard the stories of others who have achieved liberation in their devotion to you.
Why are you acting like you are unable to listen to me? I can not keep requesting again and again.

caranam 4

You definitely have the title of the one who protects those who surrender to you.
With this affection, what I am holding on to is not the branch of a moringa tree (which is very flimsy at best)

caranam 5

Brahma has written that you are worthy of many kinds of praise
Do not alienate me by mistakenly thinking I am someone unpleasant, but take me into your service

caranam 6

I am recounting great things about you as you are the Lord of Bhadrachalam.
I know your beautiful intention of taking care of Ramadasu


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning contributed by Aruna Turaga.

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updated on 03/21/2024