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Song: biDiyamEla nika

biDiyamEla nika
raagam: kEdragauLa

taaLam: Adi
Composer: Badraacala Raamadaas


biDiyamEla nika mOkSamicci nI vADugu dATi pOra rAma


taDavAyrnu nE nOrvalenu dora tanamu dAcukOra rAma

caraNam 1

muruyucu nI dhara ceppinaTTu vina mucukunduDa gAnu rAma
arudu mIralani talaci egarAga hanumantuDa gAnu rAma

caraNam 2

saraguna muccula mATalu vina jAmbavantuDanu gAnu rAmA
vira vira mIvalalOpaDa nE nA vibhISaNuDa gAnu rAmA

caraNam 3

mAyala cEta vancimpa baDagA nE mahIshuDa gAnu rAma
nyAyamu lEka nE natunitu tiruganu nAraduNDa gAnu rAma

caraNam 4

Ayamu ceDi hari ninu gani koluvanu arjanuNDagAnu rAmA
dAyAduNDani madilO muriyanu dasharathuDanu gAnu rAmA

caraNam 5

narahari nanu rakSimpumayyA shrI nArAyaNa rUpa shrI rAma
maraci niDuralaonainanu nI pada sarasijamula viDuvara rA,a

caraNam 6

garima tODa mA sItanu gAcina goppalu nE viNTi rAma
paraga bhadragiri shikhara nivAsa para bala samhAra rAma



Why this hesitation? Give me Liberation and then you go your own way, Rama!
I am not able to tolerate this delay. Keep your kingliness to yourself.

caranam 1

I am not Muchikunda (who slept for eons in order to escape his grief) who affectionately followed your advice on Earth
I am not Hanuma, who thought there is no one else like you and flew everywhere on your order

caranam 2

I am not like Jambavantha, who listened to the advice of some unpleasant people and came to fight a war with you
I am not Vibheeshana, who fell for your charm right away

caranam 3

I am not Shiva, who gets deceived by trickery easily
I am not Naarada, who goes from place to place causes injustice

caranam 4

I am not Arjuna who lost his restraint (during the war) and then begged you to save him
I am not Dasaratha to take delight in you, thinking you are my kin

caranam 5

I have heard with pride of how you took care of my mother, Sita

You are the dweller at the peak of Bhadrachalam, you are the vanquisher of ego

caranam 6

Protect me, the incarnation of Sri Narayana!
I will not leave your lotus feet even in my sleep, not out of forgetfulness


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning contributed by Aruna Turaga.

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updated on 03/21/2024