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Song: pAda darishanam

pAda darishanam
raagam: Anandabhairavi

Aa:S G2 R2 G2 M1 P D2 P N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S

taaLam: Adi
Composer: Muttu TaanDavar


pAda darishanam seyyum pOdE seida pAvam veRuNDu nija palamAnadE


vEdam paravum tillai manRuL mIdE metta miDukkuLLa kALiyum diDukkiDa ulagamum naDukkiDat-tikurti enraDuttiDa naDittiDum

caraNam 1

bhaktiyuDanE pUjai paNNum bAlan tannaip-paTrip-piDikka vanda
pAtakak-kAlan tatti vizhavE udaittaruL kAlan veTrit-tANDavam purindennai
ANDavan enavarum mANDavar elumbaiyum pUNDavan silambaNi
caraNam 2

sundaramUrtiyAr tamizhukkAga umbar tozhudiDa tUdukkisaind-anbAga
andamin paravaikku munbadAga vanda harahara shivashiva tiripuram
eripaDa nagaipuri varadar parama rahasiyamAna
caraNam 3

AlaviDam arundum sarvEshan gangai aNindavan kayilai
mAmalai vASan mAlukkiLaiyavumai magizh nEsan caturmarai viri
muDimisai uRaibavan azhalnigar kaRaiviDa aravoDu piRaiyaiyum aNibavan



pAda darishanam seyyum pOdE - At the very moment of seeing the feet (of the lord),
seida pAvam veRuNDu - the sins done (earlier) were removed,
nija palamAnadE - and the real purpose (of life) was attained.


(Seeing the feet)
aDuttiDa naDittiDum - dancing near (the Goddess Kali)
tikurti enru - with (Jatis such as) tigurti,
metta miDukkuLLa kALiyum diDukkiDa - while the immensely proud Goddess Kali is startled,
ulagamum naDukkiDa - while the world is shaken (by the force),
vEdam paravum tillai manRuL mIdE - on the stage of Tillai(Chidambaram), which the Vedas extol.

caraNam 1

(Seeing the feet)
silambaNi - wearing anklets,
udaittaruL kAlan - of the lord whose leg kicked
pAtakak-kAlan tatti vizhavE - the wicked Yama such that he was thrown away,
paTrip-piDikka vanda - (Yama) who came to seize and take away
bAlan tannai - the boy (Markandeya)
bhaktiyuDanE pUjai paNNum - who worshipped (the lord) with devotion.
(the feet of the lord)
ennai ANDavan enavarum - who comes as my master,
veTri tANDavam purindu - performing the dance of victory,
mANDavar elumbaiyum pUNDavan - who wears the bones of the dead.

caraNam 2

(Seeing the feet)
parama rahasiyamAna - which are most esoteric,
varadar - of the lord who grants boons,
tiripuram eripaDa nagaipuri - who smiled and burnt the Tripuras,
harahara shivashiva - who is celebrated with the chants of "hara hara shiva shiva",
andamin paravaikku munbadAga vanda - who came before the beautiful Paravai,
tUdukku isaindu anbAga - kindly consenting to be a messenger
umbar tozhudiDa - with the Devas saluting,
sundaramUrtiyAr tamizhukkAga - for the sake of Sundaramurti Nayanar's Tamil songs.

Note: On Sundaramurti's request, Shiva went as messenger to Paravai, the wife of Sundaramurti, to resolve a tiff between them.

caraNam 3

(Seeing the feet) AlaviDam arundum sarvEshan - of the lord of all, who consumes the Halahala poison,
gangai aNindavan - the one bearing the Ganga (on his head),
kayilai mAmalai vASan - the resident of the great Kailasa mountain,
mAlukku iLaiya umai magizh nEsan - the dear one to Parvati, the sister of Vishnu,
caturmarai viri muDimisai uRaibavan - the lord residing in the Upanishads (which form the expansive head of the Vedas),
piRaiyaiyum aNibavan - the one wearing the crescent moon
azhalnigar kaRaiviDa aravoDu - along with the snake with its fire-like dark poison.


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Corrections and meaning by Rajani Arjun Shankar.

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updated on 01/08/2025