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Song: tEDit-tiriyAdE

raagam: nAgavarALi

Aa:S R1 G2 M1 P M1 D1 N2 S
Av: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S

taaLam: Adi
Composer: Muttu TaanDavar


tEDit-tiriyAdE nenjE tEDit-tiriyAdE


tEDit-tirindu tigaiyAdE nenjE siTrinbattAlE jagamellAm panjE

caraNam 1

nAnenRa ANavam tannaiyE nIkku nAdAnta pEroLi tannilE tAkku
mOna mA mantrattuNmaiyai nOkku muttikku vittAi muzhumadiyAkku

caraNam 2

Atma jnAnikku mei tanir-coTTu aNDaraNDa bahiraNDangaL viTTup-
pErttalil Ananda veLLattaiyeTTu pEccuraiyaTra iDam tanaik-kiTTu

caraNam 3

pOTTa iDattiR-poruLtanait-tEDu bOdha niSTaiyuT-pugundu nIyADu
nATTamuDan sadguru pAdam tEDu nAlAm padattil aruL jnAna vIDu



nenjE - O Mind!
tiriyAdE - Do not wander
tEDi - searching.


nenjE - O Mind!
tigaiyAdE - Do not be perplexed
tirindu - wandering (and)
tEDi - searching.
siTrinbattAlE - Due to short-lived pleasures
jagam ellAm - the entire world
panjE - (is insubstantial like) cotton-wool.

Note : Since the world is capable of giving only transient pleasures, seeking anything of worth there is of no use.

caraNam 1

(O Mind!)
nIkku - Discard
ANavam tannaiyE - the ego
nAn enRa - that claims "I" (am powerful etc.)

tAkku - Attain with force
nAdAnta pEroLi tannilE - the great brilliance of "Nadanta".

Note : Nataraja's dance is called the Nadanta natanam, indicating that He performs all the cosmic activities through the dance.

nOkku - See
uNmaiyai - the truth
mOnamAm mantrattu - of the Mantra that is wordless.

Akku - Make
muzhumadi - your intellect complete
vittAi - so it becomes the seed
muttikku - of Mukti.

caraNam 2

(O Mind!)
viTTu - Giving up
aNDar aNDa - the worlds of the Devas,
bahiraNDangaL - and the external worlds,

eTTu - reach
Ananda veLLattai - the flood of bliss
pErttalil - that never goes away,
coTTu - that drizzles
mei tanil - on the body
Atma jnAnikku - of one who has realized the self.

Note: A realized soul is filled with bliss, and this is poetically described as a flood washing over his body

kiTTu - Approach
iDam tanai - the place (i.e. state)
pEccurai aTra - devoid of speech.

caraNam 3

(O Mind!)
tEDu - Seek
poruLtanai - the object
pOTTa iDattil - where you dropped it (lost it).

Note : Since our blissful state is inside, searching outside for happiness is like looking for an object in different place from where it was lost.

nI ADu - You (can) dance
pugundu - entering into
bOdha niSTaiyuL - the absorbed state of enlighenment.

tEDu - Seek
sadguru pAdam - the feet of the Sadguru
nATTamuDan - with eagerness.

aruL jnAna vIDu - The liberation due to realization and grace nAlAm padattil - is there in the fourth step.


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning by Rajani Arjun Shankar.

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updated on 05/29/2024