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Song: taaraka mantramu

thaaraka manthramu
raagam: dhanyaasi

8 hanumatODi janya
Aa: S G2 M1 P N2 S
Av: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Badraacala Raamadaas
Language: Telugu


tAraka mantramu kOrina dorikenu dhanyuDanaiti ni vOranna


mIrinagAluni dUtala pAliTi mrtyuvayani nammakayunna

caraNam 1

maccikatO itarAntarambula mAyalalO baDabOkanna
heccuga nUTa yenimidi tirupatulElami tiruga pani lEdanna
muccaTaga nA puNyaladulalO munuguTa paniyEmiTikanna
vacceDi parvapudinamulalO suDivaDibaDuTayu mAnakayunna

caraNam 2

enni janmamula nenci cUcinanu EkO nArAyaNuDanna
anni rUpulaiyunna parAtmuNDA mahStmuni kathavinna
enni janmamula jEsina pApamu-lIjanmamutO viDunanna
anniTikidi kaDasAri janmamidi satyamuyika puTTuDasunna

caraNam 3

nirmala antar-lakSya bhAvamu nityAnandamutO nunna
karmambulu viDi mOkSa sadgatini gannula nE jUcucununna
dharmamu tappaka bhadrAdrIshuni talapulalO mitratanunna
marmamu telisina rAmadAsu nija mandiramuna kEgucununna



I have aspired to receive the Taraka Mantram (Praying for Rama) and now my wish is fulfilled. I am indeed blessed by the Lord!

O Listener! Know that chanting the name of Rama is the death to the messengers of the time.
(One goes beyond the samsara and won’t get caught up in the birth-death cycles).

caranam 1

Do not fall for the illusion of the outer world that seems friendly at the outset
There is no need to search for and go to 108 Tirupati pilgrimages in search of God there
One does not need to go to all the sacred rivers and take a dip in them
Stop getting caught up in the rituals for all the upcoming auspicious days

caranam 2

However many lives we have had, the God has always been only one
He is the one in every life and form, pay attention to that
All the sins I have committed over many lifetimes, I am getting free of them in this life
This is my last life, truly I am not reborn again

caranam 3

My inner world is clear and filled with happiness
I am beyond the workings of this world and I can see the path to liberation
Never leaving this path of truth, I have kept the Lord of Bhadrachalam in my heart
I have understood the workings of this world and now I am going to the adobe of the God

Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning contributed by Aruna Turaga.

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updated on 03/21/2024