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Song: bratukantA cintE

bratukantA cintE
raagam: AbhOgi

22 kharaharapriya janya
Aa:S R2 G2 M1 D2 S
Av: S D2 M1 G2 R2 S

taaLam: Adi
Composer: BaalamuraLi Krishna


bratukantA cintE jIviki manasA paramAtmuni gananOcani vAniki

caraNam 1

satiyunnA cintE satliEka cintE matilEni satitO manugaDa cintE
andamaina sati haddulu cintE antA yintEyanu talapU cintE

caraNam 2

pEru dhanamu cintE peda tanamu cintE pEru konna bangAramu cintE
muraLIdhara shrI purandara viThaluni maravani manasuna kantA nishcintE



bratukantA cintE - Life is full of misery
jIviki manasA - for the human
paramAtmuni - paramAtma
gananOcani vAniki - who could not see

caraNam 1

satiyunnA cintE - problems with wife
satliEka cintE - problems without a wife
matilEni satitO - with a wife who is not stable
manugaDa cintE - living becomes miserable
andamaina sati - a beautiful wife
haddulu cintE - control is a problem
antA yintEyanu talapU cintE - it is miserable to a think about the fate

caraNam 2

pEru dhanamu cintE - fame and money is worrysome
peda tanamu cintE - being poor also is worrisome
pEru konna bangAramu cintE - if you collected a lot of gold that is also worrisome
muraLIdhara srI purandara viThaluni - srI purandara vittala who play flute
maravani manasunakantA nishcintE - life is peaceful for the one who thinks of him without forgetting


Life is full of miseries for the humans who are unable to realize paramAtma. It is problematic to have a wife and not to have a wife as well. Living with a mentally unstable wife is also miserable, and controlling a beautiful wife is a bigger problem and just thinking about your fate is just miserable. Being rich and famous as well as being poor also is miserable. It is also a problem if you have collected a lot of gold. However, without fail, if you think of sri purandara vittala, one who plays the flute, then life is free of miseries and worries.


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning by Aparna Munukutla Gunupudi.

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updated on 03/22/2022