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Song: vidhi illArkku

vidhi illArkku
raagam: kharaharapriyA

22 kharaharapriya mela
Aa:S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S

taaLam: rUpaka
Composer: Anai Ayya


vidhi illArkku virumbinAlum vidikkumO namashivAyam pOlum


nidhiyODu varamudavu pAdanE nI tAnE dAtA pancanadi nAthanE

caraNam 1

nitya karmangaLaiyE nI tIrttiDu natti varubavarkku annamIndiDu
bhakti mArgamE pArppavark-kaLIttiDu siddhi peRavE shivanaruL sErndiDu

caraNam 2

janma janmAntarangaLAgavE karma pAsangaL karaindu pOgavE
nanmaiyODu Ishanai sharaNamAgavE cinmayamAna tiRam peRalAgumE

caraNam 3

tatva padangaLait-tuRandiDu satyamAgavE irundiDu
nitya vastu tanait-terindiDu nityam umAdAsarkku mukti purindiDu



pOlum - It seems like :
vidhi illArkku - to those who are not destined,
vidikkumO namashivAyam - will the (good fortune of chanting) Namashivaya, be decreed/awarded,
virumbinAlum - even if (they) wanted ?


nidhiyODu varamudavu pAdanE - O One whose feet grant wealth and other boons!
nI tAnE dAtA - Are you not the giver?
pancanadi nAthanE - O Lord of Tiruvaiyaru !

caraNam 1

(Instruction to people of the world)
nitya karmangaLaiyE nI tIrttiDu - You must carry out the daily rituals .
natti varubavarkku annamIndiDu - Give food to those who come seeking.
bhakti mArgamE pArppavark-kaLIttiDu - Give (a glimpse of) Bhakti Marga to observers.
siddhi peRavE - To achieve success,
shivanaruL sErndiDu - acquire the grace of Shiva.

caraNam 2

karma pAsangaL - the bondages of past Karma
janma janmAntarangaLAgavE - continuing for several births,
karaindu pOgavE - getting dissolved,
nanmaiyODu Ishanai sharaNamAgavE - taking the Lord as refuge, with goodness,
cinmayamAna tiRam peRalAgumE - one can attain the ability to become Cin-maya (absorbed in consciousness)

caraNam 3

(Instruction to people of the world)
tatva padangaLait-tuRandiDu - Give up words of philosophy (ie theory).
satyamAgavE irundiDu - Be truthful .
nitya vastu tanait-terindiDu - Understand the (only) object that is permament!
nityam umAdAsarkku mukti purindiDu - Lead Umadasa towards liberation !
(the first few phrases are directed to other devotees, while the last seems to be a prayer to the Lord)


Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning and corrections by Rajani Arjun Shankar.

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updated on 06/11/2022