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Singing and Performing Do's and Don'ts - For all the people who have written asking what they should and should not do as singers and performers, here is a list. Have something you want to add? Email us your do's or your don'ts.

practice daily miss even one day of practice
practice varisais even if you're learning songs strain your voice by shouting
sing varnams in aakaaram try to sing gamakas your voice is not trained for
gargle with warm water and salt daily eat too many spicy foods
drink warm liquids drink cold drinks or things with ice
cover up yourself and your instrument when you go out stay out (or take your instrument out) in the cold or heat
get plenty of rest stay up too late
listen to the shruti try to sing without knowing your shruti
practice a variety of songs forget about old songs
get feedback from a teacher try to figure out how well you're doing yourself
tune your instrument carefully let your instrument decay
perform each note clearly and distinctly let the notes blur together

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updated on 12/27/2008