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Song: daacukO valenaa

dhaachukO valenaa
raagam: tODi

8 hanumatODi mEla
Aa: S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N2 S
Av: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S

taaLam: jhampa
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu


dAcukO valenO dAsharathi nIdu daya


cUcuvAralalOna culakane nannu jUci

caraNam 1

kanikaramu kAntapai galigi muddiDu vELa janakaja nAmATa samayamani balkina

caraNam 2

karagi padamulanu vrAla gani karuNa sEyuvELa bharatuDentO nannu bhaktuDani balkitE

caraNam 3

nEmamuna paricarya nErpuna bOgaDu vELa saumitri tyAgarAjuni mATa balkina

O son of Dasharatha. Why should you hide your abundant grace from me? Why this disregard towards me in the presence of many? In the privacy of your company, Sita Devi had pleaded with you on my behalf. When you showered your grace on Bharatha, who had prostrated before you, did he not submit to you that Tyagaraja was a devotee deserving your grace? When you were delivering heaping encomiums on Lakshmana for his devoted and steadfast service to you, had he not put in a word to you on my behalf? Shoudl you still be stubborn?

Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning from Compositions of Tyagaraja by TK Govinda Rao.

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updated on 10/02/2005