Tips on Searching
For Composer and song type, you can choose more than one, if you like. To select multiple options in a row, hold down the shift key. To select multiple separate options, use the control or alt/option key.
Too few results? Try a broader search. Don't select as many options. Keep in mind that some information may be still unknown for some songs. Try using only the first few letters of a song,composer, or raaga and check the appropriate pages for spellings. For example, caapu will get you mishra, tishra, and khaNDa caapu.
Too many results? Narrow it down by including a few more letters, or if you know it, more information about the songs you want to find.
Song names and raaga: always use aa for A, ee for I, c instead of ch, t instead of th, oo instead of U when searching. You will get more and better results by using shortened song or raaga names. See the transliteration scheme for how these sound.
Deities: common deities include Shiva, Vishnu, Murugan, Paarvati, Krishna, Raama, Ganesha, Lakshmi. Other names like Durga may be used but less commonly.
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