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karnATik database

Now you can search the karnATik database of songs! If you choose the appropriate fields, you will get results. Please use the names of ragas on the ragas page and composers on the composers page for searches in those fields. For best results, use only part of a word to search for a song title, composer, or raaga. See our transliteration table for how to search (we use aa instead of A, etc). The results also link back to the lyrics, composer, and raga!

PLEASE NOTE: Though song names, composers, ragas, and song type are up to date, the taaLa, Language and Deity are not! Please be broad in these searches. They will be updated whenever possible and when more information is available. If you know more information about a song that does not have this information, please let me know. Thanks!

Tips on searching

Search Interface

Song name:
Song Type:

Tips on Searching

For Composer and song type, you can choose more than one, if you like. To select multiple options in a row, hold down the shift key. To select multiple separate options, use the control or alt/option key.

Too few results? Try a broader search. Don't select as many options. Keep in mind that some information may be still unknown for some songs. Try using only the first few letters of a song,composer, or raaga and check the appropriate pages for spellings. For example, caapu will get you mishra, tishra, and khaNDa caapu.

Too many results? Narrow it down by including a few more letters, or if you know it, more information about the songs you want to find.

Song names and raaga: always use aa for A, ee for I, c instead of ch, t instead of th, oo instead of U when searching. You will get more and better results by using shortened song or raaga names. See the transliteration scheme for how these sound.

Deities: common deities include Shiva, Vishnu, Murugan, Paarvati, Krishna, Raama, Ganesha, Lakshmi. Other names like Durga may be used but less commonly.

Still have questions? Contact us

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updated on 03/20/2009