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Here is a table of the major taaLas used in Carnatic music.

Previous: Introduction to TaaLa
Next: Gamakas

First we list the 16 angas (sOdashangams) and then follows the table of the 35 taalas. Please see the previous page or the glossary for a description of the terms and system of taalas.

anga name symbol aksharakaalas movement
anudrutam U 1 beat with palm
drutam 0 2 beat with palm + turn (wave)
druta viramam U
3 (1 + 2) anudrutam + drutam
laghu |(#) 4 (or 3,5,7,9) beat + finger counts
laghu viramam U
5 (1+4) anudrutam + laghu
laghu drutam 0| 6 (4+2) laghu + drutam
laghudruta viramam U
7 (1+2+4) anudrutam + drutam + laghu
guru 8 8 wave to left and right or circle with thumb-up
guru viramam U
8 (1+8) anudrutam + guru
guru drutam 08 10 (8+2) guru + drutam
gurudruta viramam U
11 (1+2+8) anudrutam + drutam + guru
plutam |8 12 (8+4) beat + wave to sides
pluta viramam U
13 (1+12) anudrutam + plutam
pluta drutam 0|8 14 (12+2) plutam + drutam
pluta druta viramam U
15 (1+2+12) anudrutam + drutam + plutam
kaakapaadam + 16 beat plus wave up and to sides

The table of the 35 taaLas is listed below. The total numbers in the laghu are given in parenthesis, ex. catushra jaati = |(4). TaaLas are named first by their jaati then by the taaLa type of the 7, as in tishra jaati Eka taaLam.

taala group jaati angas aksharakaalas
1. dhruva tisra |(3) 0 |(3) |(3) 11
2. catushra |(4) 0 |(4) |(4) 14
3. khaNDa |(5) 0 |(5) |(5) 17
4. mishra |(7) 0 |(7) |(7) 23
5. sankeerna |(9) 0 |(9) |(9) 29
6. matya tisra |(3) 0 |(3) 8
7. catushra |(4) 0 |(4) 10
8. khaNDa |(5) 0 |(5) 12
9. mishra |(7) 0 |(7) 16
10. sankeerna |(9) 0 |(9) 20
11. roopaka tishra 0 |(3) 5
12. catushra 0 |(4) 6
13. khaNDa 0 |(5) 7
14. mishra 0 |(7) 9
15. sankeerna 0 |(9) 11
16. jhampa tishra |(3) U 0 6
17. catushra |(4) U 0 7
18. khaNDa |(5) U 0 8
19. mishra |(7) U 0 10
20. sankeerna |(9) U 0 12
21. tripuTa tishra |(3) 0 0 7
22. catushra (aadi) |(4) 0 0 8
23. khaNDa |(5) 0 0 9
24. mishra |(7) 0 0 11
25. sankeerna |(9) 0 0 13
26. aTa tishra |(3) |(3) 0 0 10
27. catushra |(4) |(4) 0 0 12
28. khaNDa |(5) |(5) 0 0 14
29. mishra |(7) |(7) 0 0 18
30. sankeerna |(9) |(9) 0 0 22
31. Eka tishra |(3) 3
32. catushra |(4) 4
33. khaNDa |(5) 5
34. mishra |(7) 7
35. sankeerna |(9) 9

These are the major taaLas (suladisapta taaLas). Incorporating the other angas (guru, plutam, kaakapaadam) brings us up to 108 taaLas, and even more if one includes the caapu taaLas and other variations.

Next: Gamakas

You can also go on to lyrics, ragas, composers, instruments, or equivalent ragas in Hindustani. Or go back to the main page and wander from there!

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updated on 07/21/2011